Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday Toot

Hi there!
Well I am back from my hiatus, it wasn't nearly as relaxing as I would have hoped for but it was very productive. So much so that I decided to make it my Tuesday Toot. Below is a list of things I did while home the last few days. Keep in mind that I had 2 active kids to take care of since hubby was out gallivanting in Houston and Vegas for 5 days. I am sure that once I publish this post there will be more completed tasks that I remember so check back because the list may continue to evolve.

1) planted all the deck flowers as well as some shrubbery

2) Cleaned the hot tub and installed new pillow pads (but of course didn't use it to relax)

3) totally scrubbed my kitchen floor, I mean on my hands and knees, amazing the crap you don't see till you actually get on the floor.

4) cleaned out my dresser drawers of clothes that no longer fit, and made the fall/winter to Spring summer transition

5) totally reorganized our master bedroom closet (I need to take pictures so you appreciate the enormity of this project

6) cleaned out the dresser drawers for both the kids of clothes that no longer fit, and made the fall/winter to Spring summer transition

7) made dinner every night!!!! (no take out)

8) bought 2 new rugs 8 x 10 hauled them in and laid them down

9) Did 10 loads of Laundry

10) Let my kids play in the mud, more to come on that later

11) Didn't go to Walmart or Target and randomly buy stuff I don't need

12) organized the Craft storage area

13) made some cute presents/ door prize giveaways

14) and a bunch of little things I can't see to remember at this point.

The good news is that while I was doing all these things I came up with several good topics for blog posts so hopefully you will stay tuned!

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