Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday Hodge Podge

First I want to send some love to Nicole at Driving with the Brakes on, she has suffered the unthinkable, the loss of a child. She delivered her precious baby girl earlier this week at only 21 weeks. She is grieving and we who love her and her blog are trying to surround her in love. So please if you can stop by and show some love.

This week has flown by and I had so much to write about but never found the time to do it. The warmer weather has had me outside when I get home from work so I can play with the kiddos.

Thanks to all of you for your kind comments about my 10 year
bling. I do work for a good company and I hope to be there many many more years.

Yesterday was the company’s monthly board meeting, nothing to exciting but it is expected that we all attend, however I was able to sneak out early enough to go with my daughter and her class to the Zoo, well I met them there but I was still there. Lauren was so excited and couldn't stop saying look it's my mom and my dad….ah that is what parents live for to see there kid giddy at their mere presence! She didn’t get to see as much as she would have liked so I think another trip is in order soon.

Speaking of my daughter she is trying out for the school talent show today. She has decided to sing "A few of my favorite things" from The Sound of Music pretty big song for a kindergartner I can't wait to here if she makes it! Keep your fingers crossed.

Next week is my 9 year wedding anniversary! I can hardly believe it has been that long but on the other hand I can't remember life without Dan. An anniversary post will be coming of course so stay tuned.

To wrap up Friday Hodge Podge I will open the floor up to you, the readers, is there a question you are dying to ask me? Something in one of my posts that you want me to expand on? Or just want to know what my opinion is on a topic? Well now is your chance, send me your questions and I promise to answer them all.

Have a great weekend and go outside and enjoy Spring :)

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