Monday, April 21, 2008

Could it be?????

We had a wonderful weekend until Sunday around 9 am when the skies opened up and rain poured down all day, matter of fact it is still raining now. Stuck inside all day with 2 active kids was not going to be fun, especially since they had a huge taste of spring/summer the day before.

I am not a big fan of movie theaters, why I don't know, but it just isn't my gig. Add to that the thought of wrestling with 2 little ones, well I think you get the picture. So it surprised even me when I suggested to hubby that we all go to the movies to see Horton Hears a Who, what on earth was I proposing??? On a rainy Sunday every family who had had enough of the house would be at this movie, oh well! So off we go, we stand in line get out tickets I take the kiddos to get some seats while daddyo gets the refreshments, which you need a 2nd mortgage to pay or these days. (see I told you I don't' do movies) We get settled and I braced myself for the unleashing of hell that will take place as soon as someone has had enough, or who had been shhhhed for the 100th time. To my pleasant surprise we, the whole family, made it through the whole movie without one issue. Granted Lauren appeared to have ants in her pants the whole time but unlike some episodes of ants in the pants this was relatively tame. Could it be that this ever active 6 year old and constantly talking 3 year old are growing up and becoming manageable little people? Could be! Stay tuned!

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