Monday, April 7, 2008

Phew what a weekend!!!

I think this post should be Monday hodge podge but I don't want to over due the hodge podge thing! So let me start with Friday (FYI this may be a long post)

Friday as you know I had my big meeting with the CEO, well before that meeting there was a staff meeting for all in my division, we all knew about it but just figured it was a routine meeting. Not so, my company has an award called a star award which is given to those who go above and beyond the call of duty. It requires a write up from the persons direct boss then it must be passed along the food chain for approval. I submitted a write up for my assistant for this award because without him I would be lost! So during this meeting we honored him as well as one other person for their achievement. I was totally unprepared to present this to him as I had no idea it had been approved, but I stammered through.

Then my boss calls me to the front of the room and proceeds to had me a bouquet of flowers along with a gift and a certificate, all to celebrate my 10 year anniversary with the company talk about being floored I had totally forgotten. His speech was great and from the heart and made me feel that the job I do is appreciated and respected. Here is a picture of my bouquet and the award Pretty cool huh??

So then later that day I had my meeting with the CEO; it went well and the new division wheels are in motion, a promotion will not happen for some time but it is a huge possibility by the end of the year, I will keep you posted. Thanks for all of you words of support last week.

The race... I did well I finished 279 out of 730 and 31st out of 91 women in my age group not bad huh? Unfortunately since there were 2 races going on Dan was not aware that my finish line was different then the 10 mile finish line. I was a bit upset there was no one there to greet me but I caught up with them. I am sure that next time he will get it right. Here are a couple of shots of the race.

Finally, we were given tickets to the circus unexpectedly for Sunday at 1pm, yes just a few short hours after my race the kids had a blast and loved seeing the Elephants!
All in all a good weekend but very busy, I needed to come to work to get some rest!! :)

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