Friday, May 2, 2008

Friday Hodge Podge

Is it Friday already??? Man this week has flown by. So here is the Friday Hodge Podge.

First here are the pictures from my Tuesday Toot that I was unable to load up. Not to shabby if I do say so myself.

Yesterday was my 9 year wedding anniversary; we celebrated by going to dinner at Ruth’s Chris Steak House. It was wonderful to have a dinner where we ate adult food (Filet and Lobster tail) and had time to talk with no interruptions. Dan gave me a lovely gift; this is a beautiful gold necklace. I think my gift to him of cuff links and a money clip pail in comparison; however he did really like them.

So on Tuesday I took Lauren to the Doctor after work, she has had chronic ear infections since she was 9 months old three sets of tubes later the ear infections have stopped but there is significant negative pressure in her left ear which comes and goes and can be quite painful. Since we are on the cusp of pool season which means swimmers ear, the doctor and I felt it was in her best interest to have the tubes put back in and do a little exploratory surgery to se if there is anything else that my be contributing to this negative pressure issue. I should be an old pro at this by now since my son has had 2 sets and Lauren 3, yet the thought of having the kids put under anesthesia never gets easier. So on May 13th I will be with her at the surgery center once again.

Earlier this week we received an expected invitation to Dan’s Cousins wedding late June in NJ, the event will be black tie only. I was a little taken aback as this wedding has already been pretty expensive with engagement parties showers and wedding gifts (their registry has plate not plate settings that are $350 each) I don’t know about you but that is a ridiculous amount of money to pay for a gift. As for the black tie thing I am fine with it and so is Dan because we have lots of formals we attend due to some of his work obligations so we have the duds already, but for others they will end up spending yet even more money. I guess what I am trying to say is; I think it is rather selfish to require a certain attire at your wedding. I think some would have preferred “Black Tie optional”

Finally I open the floor up to questions, ask away, something you want to know about me or my life just ask. Last week Law Student Hot Mama asked:
Does my ass look big in this? Heh. My response to that question: No but your boob’s sure do! :)

Have a great weekend and I will see everyone on Monday (or later tonight after a glass or 2 of wine)

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