Tuesday, May 13, 2008

10 Things You're Really Good At

Multi Tasking- People often ask how I do it and honestly I am not really aware that I am "doing it"

Organizing- just about anything parties, closets you name it

Making people laugh- I try to do this a lot but sometimes I am just not in the laughing mood

Knowing what I want- no wishy washiness here

- I was a high school and college athlete

Being a good friend- I may not have tons of friends but of the ones that I do I think they would all say I am there for them

Baking- I can bake some mean desserts

Driving- strange huh well I drive 70 miles a day in a Metropolitan city and I think I am can drive better then most men.

Making myself feel guilty- There are days I ask myself why do I work, I have huge guilt that I am not a stay at home mom. There are times that I feel people look down on me because I work and do so by choice, however for me I think it is the best thing but that doesn't stop the guilt.

Being a mom
- ok well I am not sure that I am good at it but I like to think I am!

Don't forget to enter my giveaway!!!!!!

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