Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday Hodge Podge

Welcome to Friday Hodge Podge (HPF)

It is my pleasure to introduce to you Allison Paige, my goddaughter!!! Is she a sweetie or what. I was able to spend almost 2 hours with her and her mommy last night, of course on the way home my uterus was aching for a newborn of my own. That topic is to be continued.....

I love this shot; it is big sis Hannah checking out lil sis. I was playing with it this morning, hopefully it will print nicely and I can get this framed.

So earlier this week I asked Lauren if she would like me to curl her hair. To my surprise she said yes, Lauren while a girly when it comes to her clothes is not when it comes to hair and accessories. So that night I used the old fashion foam curlers and she slept with them all night. The next morning she had a full head of curls which of course she would not let me comb. The first thing she said upon seeing the curls was "what if people make fun of me" of course not a one person or kid did because she looked cute as a button. She has since asked me to curl her again, could it be that I have created a monster????

Tonight is book club night, in my close knit neighborhood we select a book and get together to talk about it every other month. The discussion about the book lasts about 30 min and then it is a full on girl gab and wine feast! The book we will discuss tonight is Water for Elephants. I loved this book and I highly recommend it for your summer reading. It was a quick read however it was one of those books that had me wanting more at the end. If you read this book let me know what you thought. Also if you would like to know about our other pick email me and I will shoot them to you.

Well it is memorial Day weekend, the start of the Summer and I am so ready! mainly because I am in need of a 3 day weekend and also because it marks the opening of pool season and that spells some relaxing weekends at the pool for me. See I am the type of person if left in my house I will find stuff to do and then I never end up sitting down and enjoying my home or relaxing. Since the kiddos are all about the pool it forces me to go and just relax. So here is to the start of the season!!!!

In previous hodge podge Friday posts I have opened the floor up to questions you would like to ask. Thus far I have only received one..thanks Tranny Head! So I will open the floor again however my ego can't take any more bruising so if I don't receive any questions I will retire this part of HPF. Come on boost a girls ego would you?

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