Thursday, May 29, 2008's been a while

Courtney has tagged me for a get to know your blogger friends meme. You will see I am a pretty lame person!

1. Favorite Person - Hmm hubby is too obvious, I would say my boss he is a great man.

2. Favorite Food - Pasta any Pasta.

3. Quirks about you - I can't relax till everything is in it's place so if I come into the family room and it is a mess I have to pick it u before I sit down. OCD to the max I guess.

4. How would the person who loves you most describe you in ten words or less? She is fun, loveable dependable, goal oriented and a great wife. OK so that is 11 oh well.

5. Any regrets in life? I don't have enough time to write this and you would be bored reading it.

6. Favorite charity/cause: I have many, Red Cross and Organ donation would be my top 2.

7. Favorite Blog: Too many to count and I have different ones for different topics.

8. Something you can't get enough of? Time with my husband.

9. Worst job you ever had? Working at the indoor pools in the winters I always smelled like chlorine.

10. What job would you pay NOT to have? Fast food worker

11. If you could be a fly on the wall anywhere, where would it be? In board rooms of the top 100 Companies.

12. Favorite Bible Verse/Quote: Psalms 56:3 "When I am afraid I will trust in you" Ditto Courtney

13. Guilty pleasure: A big bowl of Ice cream

14. Got any confessions? least none I want to share.

15. If you had $1000 to spend on YOURSELF, what would you spend it on? A great day at the spa!!!!

16. Favorite thing about your house? Everything, it is my dream house and I couldn't be happier.

17. Least favorite thing: We don't have much of a backyard

18. One thing you are bad at: Singing.

19. If you could change on thing about your current circumstances what would it be? I would have started to have kids when I was younger.

20. Who would you like to meet someday? Jack Walsh who was a former CEO of GE, I would love to pick his business brain.

21. What makes you feel sexy? This is horrible but since becoming a mom and being with Dan for almost 12 years sometimes I feel like a shell of my old young self so I feel sexy when a man gives me a second look, makes me feel like "hey I still got it!”

22. Who is your real life hero? My husband he loves my unconditional and is an outstanding cheerleader when I am working towards something important in my life.

23. What is the hardest part of your job? When I have to travel and I am away from the family, the first night is ok the second I can deal by the third I am itching to get home. 24. When are you most relaxed? About day 2 of vacation as long as vacation is not in my house. When we go to the beach each year I am in heaven after about 20 min there.

25. What stresses you out? Some days the wind blowing can stress me others I am as cool as a cucumber. So as you can see the range of things is large.

26. What can you NOT live without? My family of course and my Ipod

27. Do you agree or disagree with the recent article that reported that blogs are authored by narcissists? Disagree.

28. Why do you blog? I blog because it allows me to have a place of my own, also I love the friendships that I have made.

29. Who are you tagging? Amy Michelle Stephanie Laskigal

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