Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Ten places I would like to go

Ten Places I would like to go, that I haven’t been to.

1) Ireland- I would love to do a pub crawl with a few of my adult friends without the kids :)

2) Poland- my mothers mom was from Poland and I know very little about the country and it’s traditions

3) Italy- I have always wanted to go there then I read the book Eat pray Love and I realized I had to go there

4) Alaska- I have heard there are some breathtaking sites in Alaska

5) Hawaii – however I must be able to spend 2 weeks so I can totally relax

6) A cruise- I am working on this one for my 10 year anniversary I don’t care were it goes as long as I am sitting in chair poolside with a drink in my hand watching the ocean go by.

7) Paris- I am not sure why I want to go but I do.

8) New Zealand- We had an au pair for 9 months who was from NZ and between what she has told us and the pictures I have seen I want to go. During the right season of course.

9) Cabo san lucas – who wouldn’t love to hand out in Cabo for a week?

10) Finally I would love to join my blog girlfriends on a weekend trip anywhere to hang out and talk in person (I know I am cheesy)

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