Thursday, May 22, 2008

She’s having a baby today!!!!

The "she" I am referring to is Magin, my very best friend and today around 8am she will meet her new baby girl and become a mother for the second time.

Magin and I have know each other for nearly 20 years she is my nearest and dearest friend the one person who knows most if not all of my dark secrets, fears and faults. Even with all that knowledge she continues to be my friend and she is the BEST!!! As you can see from the pictures she is a lot of fun to hang out with !!!

Magin and I met when we were in high school; we were introduced by a mutual friend and we have been friends since. Sure there were times in our lives that we weren’t in touch but no matter what we always picked up where we left off. I have been fortunate enough to share all my important life events with her and vice versa. I could go on and on about how wonderful she is and the fun times we have shared together but I am afraid I would actually overload the blogger server!

Today is even more special; Magin and her husband Jim have asked me to be their new daughters Godmother. I am so honored they feel I am worthy of such an honor. So as you read this Magin will have become a mom again and I will have become a Godmother for the 1st time!!!
Welcome to the world special girl (they haven’t decided on a name) I look forward to a lifetime of memories with you and our families!

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