Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Here we are 9 years ago today!

9 Years ago today I became a wife! I was never really sure that I would get married. I didn't have marriage role models since my mom and Dad divorced when I was very young and mom never chose to date. So the whole concept of marriage was something that was lost on me and in my mind was a bit of an anomaly something that only really worked on TV and in the movies.

All through college I had my fair share of boyfriends I dated but never really found the one, I thought I had come close after college but he turned out to be a cheating loser, glad I found out when I did. Then there was the guy who broke my heart in a million pieces, after that I was done I swore off men. Then came Dan and my world has not been the same since!

It was the summer of ‘96, AOL had just really taken off a couple of years earlier and chat rooms seem to be the new thing online at the time, online dating had not yet taken off. Dan IMed me while I was in a Washington DC chat room and we chatted for a bit. This went on for like 2 weeks, soon he asked me if we could meet and I was very unsure of that. We continued to ask and finally one day I gave in, yet it was in the back of my mind that I didn't know him and he could be an axe murderer for all I know. But I was very interested since I had spent so much time talking to him. So I decided to meet him however I chose a bar where a lot of people knew me and I could shake him if he was a freak.

So we met, I will never forget it was 7pm at a place called Hard Times, this place is small but it was usually packed. I walked to the back of the bar not spotting anyone who I thought fit his description. Then as I turned around to walk back to the front he popped out in front of me and said “Hey are you Steph!” I was in shock because I was pleasantly surprised how good looking he was. We had dinner ordered a few beers and stayed there talking till 1:30am. We went out every night for the next 2 weeks. We had a brief split because I was afraid things were moving to fast, but I quickly realized I couldn’t live without him. We dated for a year before Dan was given orders to Korea, right before he was to go to Korea we were to go away for a long weekend, before we left that Friday night Dan called and asked to take me to lunch, strange I thought I will see you in 4 hours but OK. While we were at lunch he was acting strange but I thought it was because he was going to leave and we really weren't sure what the next year would hold for us. So mid way through lunch Dan says "we need to talk" Ok I say, he then says "Well since I am going to Korea I don't want to date you anymore" I was furious, all I could think of was how to leave without causing a huge scene. I then saw him reaching in his jacket pocket and then suddenly he thrusts a box across the table and says "so I got you this" in the box was the most beautiful engagement ring I have ever seen. Mind you I never did get the Will you marry me question, but then again that isn’t Dan’s style. We spent the whole next year apart planning our wedding. We went 6 months between seeing each other and I can truly say it was the longest year of my life.

We married in a lovely ceremony in my hometown of Alexandria VA and had a reception at the officers club on Ft. McNair in Washington DC. We had the most perfect day! I remember thinking this is the start of the rest of my life as I walked down the aisle with my mom. I was right and what a wonderful life it has been thus far. I never would have imagined I could be this happy. Everyday I think I am so lucky and hopefully he feels the same.

So to you Dan the love of my life, I thank you for choosing me and loving me through all my quirks and wacky ways, thank you for pushing me to succeed , believing in me and picking me up when I fall down. You surround me with love everyday and for that I am eternally thankful I love you and I look forward to many many many more years of happiness!!! Happy Anniversary honey!

These are some pictures from our wedding

album looks like we had a fun time huh?

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