Thursday, April 3, 2008

DVD's and 5k's?

So for those of you that follow my blog you know that I have been on a weight loss journey, I have done quite well 18lbs down **as I pat myself on the back***. I have found doing the same ole workout is not going to get you far, I have hit a wall and my weight loss seems to have peeked. What's a 30 something woman to do??

So....I am a huge fan of the biggest loser, I watch on my DVR at 5:30 in the morning while on my treadmill getting my morning workout. I know I sound crazy but I would love to have Jillian come kick my ass for a few workout sessions. I use to be a college athlete so tough workouts are something I love but they are hard to do on your own! So when I heard she had a new workout DVD I decided to get it. I mean what could it hurt? I have done the workout twice and let me tell you it has kicked my butt! I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. Hopefully my wall will be coming down soon.

On a related topic I am running in the Cherry Blossom 5K this weekend. This event is sponsored by credit unions and being that I am a board member of a credit union I make an effort every year to participate. the first year I volunteered at the check then the follow year I worked the after run snack table (bananas oranges, water and stuff. Then I decided I would run the 5K that was 2 years ago. I did miserably but I finished and wasn't last. I skipped last year, however this year I am a runner once more. This race started as a 10 miler and then there was a huge outcry for a 5K. So now they have both the 10 miler and the 5K I am hoping that next year I might actually attempt the 10 miler. I have asked my family to come out and support me during my run, I am not running for time only for personal satisfaction. I will be sure to post pictures and let you know how I fared on Monday.

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