Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ten Things on Tuesday

Ten things I love about my life

1) My Kids, they are the light of my life and I thank God for them everyday.

2) My Marriage, it has been the one thing for 9 years that has been completely stable in my life and I can only hope that it continues that way for the rest of my life.

3) My Friends, without them I don't know what I would do.

4) My Career, In high school I was once told by a coach that I would never amount to much, I have and I continue too. Not to mention I love what I do.

5) My Family, They keep me centered and make me feel loved.

6) My Health, I am so blessed to be a very healthy individual.

7) My Sense of belonging in this world.

8) My Ability to volunteer and help others, there is nothing greater then help others, I find more joy from giving then I do from receiving most of the time.

9) My Computer, it has opened up a whole new world to me and others.

10) My Love of Food, I get great pleasure from food (in moderation of course).

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