Sunday, April 20, 2008

Relaxing Sunday Morning

Good morning from rainy Virginia, I am sitting on my deck (it has a canopy) listening to the birds sing and watching the rainfall, best of all, I am sitting here with Hubby. We both woke up about 6:30 am this morning and ventured downstairs; once we realized how cool it was outside we went out to have our morning coffee, hubby said the cool air rain and birds singing made him feel as though he were on vacation. I couldn’t agree more! It is so peaceful and relaxing.

I have been very blessed by this blog world, being able to vent my feelings and share with people the love of my family has been wonderful and the best is that on occasion I receive blog awards!

Wendy at The Adventures of MomLady gave me this wonderful award and I thank her for the kind words You should check out her fabulous blog
I am passing this award on to Poltzie, she is anxiously awaiting the birth of her first child a son. So pop over and say hello!

Tootsie Farklepants @ vintage thirty passed on this award, while it didn’t come to me directly it was still given to those who read her blog which i do faithfully. I encourage you to check her out. In light of the wayI reciefved this award I am passing it oninthe same way. If you are one of the folks who come to my blog on a regular basis or not so regular basis concider yourself awarded.
Have a lovely and restful Sunday I know I plan to!

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