Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween and the weekend round up......

Halloween was a blast, a little cold but a blast! The kids were super excited to go out trick or treating we had about 6 - 10 kids at any given time going from house to house. At one point Lauren fell and skinned her knee pretty good but I persuaded her to stay with her friends and keep going. Here are some of the wacky pictures from the night.

Thursday and Friday I was in Nashville to do some networking with my husband, he is about to retire after 20 years in the military and he has a bunch of companies that are interested in him and he thinks enough of me and my judgment to ask me to come with him to a conference where all of these folks would be so I could give him my feed back, pretty cool I thought. It looks like he should have some offers in hand this week then make a decision in the next 2. Hopefully, keep your fingers crossed.

Saturday Lauren scored her second soccer goal ever and she was over the moon not only because she scored but because she was the only one from either team that scored. A big deal in her eyes and she doesn't mind telling you about it either.

So today I went for my first run since the 10K I thought my foot was OK but when I got back I realized it wasn't and I now have an appointment to see the Dr tomorrow. I am hoping it isn't bad because I really wanted to run in the Turkey Trot I signed up for on Nov. 15th but I guess we will need to see.

I will be hitting blogs later today as I am home for Parents teacher conference and I twill hopefully be able to eek out some me time for my blog reading.

See you soon!

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