Thursday, November 13, 2008

Another Race

So I have another race this weekend (Saturday), however I do not plan to race for time as my foot is still giving me trouble and I really haven't run more the 3 miles since the Marine Corps race a couple of weeks ago. I am bumming because I thought by staying off it for a good week things would improve but today after my 2 mile run it was aching again. I am never one to quit and not racing to me would be quitting so I will go and do my best even if that is a walk. I do think I have been bitten by the runners bug though, because I feel like a big blob when I don't get my runs in at least 2 a week.

I know you are all aware that it is November but for some reason it hit me today and it made me realize that 10 months ago I started to work out to get healthier. Since Jan I have lost 22lbs and since August I have started to run at a bit of a competitive pace. So I am living proof that you can change your life and your health so just think of me when you make those New years resolutions!

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