Friday, November 21, 2008

The Eagles landed and I got to meet them!!!!

Ok so Humpty Dumpty came through surgery fine! He is being the model patient for the moment! I am sure that will change as we approach days 3, 4 and 5 of recovery as I know he is bored out of his mind.
Unfortunately he was not able to attend The Eagles concert last night which he had planned for a friends birthday (he was the one who put the whole thing together) to add to that one of the folks going with us was able to score all of us backstage passes. Yes, you read right! I was backstage with The Eagles!!!!! The drummer, Scott, was our sponsor and everyone in the band was super nice to us, we were so star stuck that the first few people we met we all forgot to take out our cameras. We were able to see everything backstage, wardrobe, catering, tour buses and of course the stage itself! I was in awe standing on the stage before the concert looking out into the sea of seats, talk about a rush. Good lord I think I would have peed my pants if I had to stand there and sing to a packed house liek they do!

However I am paying for my late night today! I was a good girl and got up to do my run, tend to the kids,Dan and then headed on to work. By 2pm I fully expect to be face down on my desk because of fatigue and due to the food coma I will be in as a result of the Thanksgiving Pot Luck we are having at the office today.

No big plans for the weekend, hopefully it is nice and cold so I can build a fire and snuggle up on the couch with hubby and the kids all weekend. Enjoy your weekend!

This is only half of the guitars they had backstage

Checking out the Drums!!!

The bands song list for the night

Us gals with the drummer Scott

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