Monday, November 17, 2008

Another 10K down but it wasn't pretty...

So the morning started off cold and rainy perfect weather for a run.....NOT. I was OK the first mile and a half, then it hit me or I hit it, the wall. I was kicking and cursing myself for the next mile and half to mile three, from there I was just hoping to finish.

I didn't train like I should have to prepare for this race, I got cocky and thought "oh I'll get a couple of runs in before the next 10K and I should do fine." Boy was I wrong, I struggled through the race, between the lack of training, the blood blister at mile 4, the need to go to the bathroom from mile 5 and the hacking due to the upper respiratory bug I had had for the last 2 weeks, which by the way I think I left on the course, I know TMI, Saturday was not my race day.

So what did I do after the race, I tended to my wounds and took a nap, when I awoke I signed up for the 10K Jingle Bell run here in DC on the 14th of December. I know I am crazy but I need to prove to myself that I can get a better time then 1:06 and 1:12. So I have announced to the family that I will need to lose at least 5lbs hopefully 10, train like I mean it and last but not least finish within an hour. If I do 2 out of the 3 I will be happy.

So here are the pictures from race day, be carefully they aren't pretty!

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