Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Yesterday was a good day!

As you know I work outside the home and I leave pretty early in the morning, so getting my kids off to school is a rarity for me. Normally I am hustling out the door as they are rubbing the sleep from their eyes while sitting at the kitchen table waiting for Ms. Celia to finish making breakfast. On occasions I take them to school like when I am on my way out of town on a business trip or if there is a doctor's appointment I am heading to. But rarely if ever do I get to drop off my kids come home do some household chores then go back to pick them up from school! I don't get to see and hear the excitement in their eyes or their voice as they hop in the car at the kiss and ride. Yesterday I did! I know some of you are rolling your eyes saying it really isn't all that, but it is when you don't get to do it on a regular basis. Not only did I experience it I loved it, I basked in it! There was my 6 year old as she walked into the house and flung off her shoes and headed upstairs asking "can a watch some TV before dinner." "Sure" I say I then add "Would you like a snack? How about some popcorn?" to which the reply was an enthusiastic "yes". I snuggled up to my 2 little rug rats and enjoyed every single minute of it thinking to myself, this is heaven.

We had some fun activities at both of the kids schools yesterday. Jackson's preschool had Dad's day since they are not in school in June they don't want to short change the Dad's so they selected Veteran's day to celebrate Fathers day since most in the DC area have off due to the holiday. Below is Dan and the little man in the hat that all the dads had the honor of wearing.

Then is was off to Lauren's school for an assembly honoring our Veteran's parents were asked to please come in uniform if they were currently serving in the military which Dan did. when Dan walked into the Gym you could hear Lauren squeal "that's my dad" I wanted to cry right then and there! We went on to have lunch with Lauren and her classmates and what a special time it was, I know all to soon Lauren will not think it is cool to have Dad at school and but watching her introduce us to everyone was very special to me.
I hope you thanked a veteran yesterday, I know I did, but then again I thank him everyday ! :)

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