Friday, November 14, 2008

Psst.......quiet down

OK so I will admit I am not usually the one to take my daughter Lauren to dance class, in the beginning for one reason or another I was out of town or unavailable. So for the last 2 weeks I have had the pleasure of taking Lauren to dance class and for the last 2 weeks I have had to endure the conversations of a volume challenged mother. . She is louder then loud! We parents sit in a 10X5 room with no carpeting, little on the wall besides trophies, to say it's echoey is an understatement, add to the fact there are girls coming and going on the half hour it makes for a loud area normally.

So there I am week 2 of enduring this, trying to talk to my 4 year old who is using his Spanish/English computer and I can barely hear what he is saying to me. I look at the other mothers who roll their eyes or look at the ceiling hoping that volume challenged mom's conversation will end soon. Not likely since I think she takes this time sans kids to catch up on her chit chat time 9whihc for the record I don't have a problem with just not at the top of your lungs). I couldn't take it anymore something in me snapped and I walked over to her and in my best teacher voice asked "could you talk a little softer, we can all here your conversation" while gesturing in that teacher like way with my hand to keep it down.

She looked at me and pointed to the the door to the outside. Um, excuse me I think, are you asking me to go outside so I don't have to hear your loud cell phone conversation?? RUDE!!! I smile my fake cheesy, I'm pissed off at you, smile and go sit down. A mother next to me says thanks, but informed me that this mother had been doing this for years. All I could think of is that Lauren will be doing dance for years and I can't listen to this every single week. So I sit and stew and stare down the volume challenged mom on the cell phone who could care a less.

She finishes her conversation and says to me, "if I'm too loud you should go outside." I am taken aback by her comment to me and respond "Well, your volume while on the phone is extremely loud and we would really all prefer not to hear your conversation." Another parent chimes in "maybe you should go outside, majority wins and the majority of us would prefer not hear your conversations." Yeah I have back up! Of course volume challenged mom sat silently for the whole 5 minutes left of class fondling her phone as she clearly couldn't wait to get back on it to tell the world how mean us dance parents were to her.

So here is my little public service announcement (or pet peeve venting) when using cell phone in a confined place respect others we don't want to know what you are having for dinner or how pissed off you are at your family, so please save us all the embarrassment and lower your voice the person on the other end will still be able to hear you, your cell ohone is not a tin can that you need to yell into!

Happy Friday, hope the weekend is great fun, I am headed to Quantico Marine base for a Turkey trot 10k and after I have recovered either late Saturday or early Sunday we are headed to see Madagascar, the kids are so excited!!!

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