Thursday, October 30, 2008

This and that........

Sorry for the hiatus, still licking my wounds from Sunday but also still basking my my success! I'm supposed to run on November 15th in another 10K but it is looking like that will not happen as my foot is really giving me some problems. So I think it is just best I let it heal.

Headed to Nashville today for a dinner then back tomorrow for Halloween! The kids are so excited about their costumes and I am hoping I can pull off mine. (I'm gonna keep you guessing on that one) I have been a bit of a slacker this Halloween season, I didn't get a chance to carve my pumpkins all the decorations are up but no scary pumpkins. Time has just gotten away from me.

This weekend nothing big planned, except the talk with my mom about Thanksgiving. Last year she didn't come to our house which is the only reason we stay home for Thanksgiving and don't go to Dan's parents, well this year I need to tell her that we are going to NY and I am not sure how that conversation is going to go. I am so dreading that.

Nothing new to write about so hopefully I have some new blog fodder over the weekend. Enjoy !

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