Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A little of this and a little of that

Well, as promised here are my finds from last week. I finally got them unpacked and put away during the long weekend. Which really wasn't very long at all. I will fill you in!!! But first the LOOT!!!
Goodies not only for us but for my book club friends

Shoes because I love comfy shoes

I am a huge huge Yankee candle fan!
So I popped into the Yankee candle outlet and splurged!!

The kids needed some new duds I think I did good!

So all last week we had our old Au pair here to visit from New Zealand, the kids had a blast and it was good to see her and catch up. However there was some territorial issues between the old and the new, seems that Celia was not to pleased to have Abby here and Abby was none to impressed with the way Celia handles the kids. Either way you slice it not a fun situation. I will post more about it in a post all it's own.

Once we got Abby safely on her way the Whalen Inn welcomed another set of guests my in-laws, again the kids were happy to see them as were the grandparents to see the kids.

Sunday I went for my last long training run before the 10K I plan to run on the 26th of this month. I took, at Nap Warden's suggestion, an ice bath after my run and I must say it did make recovery much better. Yet I did seem to do a lot of sleeping on Sunday.

Monday was errand and get ready for the week day since we were all off and my in laws were still with us. I was able to get the treasures put away and all the laundry done as well as the 100 other household things that seem to creep up. I also got some pumpkins and a hay to decorate the front stoop. Again more to come on that.

Finally here I sit in a hotel room in Pensacola FL for work I will be here till tomorrow then back home in time for back to school night and 1st grade homework.

Basically it was just another world wind weekend in the house of Whalen. Now I am gong to take advantage of the peace and quiet and read all the blogs I have been missing out on the past week.

**** Tick Tock Tick Tock time is running out on my Breast Cancer giveaway so hurry up and enter!!!!

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