Friday, October 10, 2008

Shopping Glorious Shopping!

Ok so the 2 hour ride down was not bad, conversation and traffic flowed and before I knew it we were there. So at 9am the shopping began, I must say that this horrible economy has produced a number of extremely good deals, as retailers are desperate to sell stuff to you. Lucky for me this is an annual trip that I save for all year, so I had some money to spend, don't know that that will be the case next year but we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

So here are my new everyday dishes! Are they cute or what??? I was able to pick up a set of 12 place settings for under $100 I was also able to pick up some new silverware as well.

So the day wore on, me in the stores shopping with my mom and every time I was ready to check out so was she and she was right on top of me while I did, with motherly sayings like, "did you use the coupon", "do you really think the kids will like that?" "wow that is a large bill" I was ready to choke her. When she is checking out I totally give her space, there is no sense in me being stuck to her like velcro. I think a big part of it is she wanted to know how much I spent. Why I am not sure maybe she is trying to figure out how much we make based on what we buy, who knows. Truthfully it's just plain annoying not to have some personal space.

Here were my treasures, I have been too tired to unpack them so I am looking forward to my long weekend to put everything away here are the store I patronized
Jones NY
Nine West
Children's Place
Polo Factory Outlet
Geoffery Bean (they are going out of business did you know that?)
Peperidge Farm--- They sell Godiva there!!!!!!
Coach (I didn't buy I only went into smell the leather :)
And I am sure there are some others I missed.

So at 5pm we were back in the car headed home again, the drive was not so bad, a few comments here and there got under my skin like "Dan must be scared to death about getting out of the Army and into the "Real world" ......umm last time I checked the Army was pretty real world and it is a bit insulting to innuendo that someones 20 year in the military was not real world. I am sure my mom wouldn't like it if I said something to the fact of "well you know my job is much harder then yours was because you were only a secretary!" I swear sometimes I don't think she thinks at all before she speaks. Anyway I survived and came out with some GREAT bargain's as I unpack them I will be sure to take pictures and blog about it.

A little teaser..... the jerk at work has struck again but this time I think I truly showed him who was boss I will have more details to come next week.

Also if you haven't already don't forget to enter my Breast Cancer Giveaway!

Have a great LONG weekend, I will be by your blogs checking out what I have missed in the last week or so.

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