Saturday, October 25, 2008

The race is a day away!

I am back from my business trip (more on that in another post) and now I am more nervous then ever about the 10k I am doing tomorrow. See today I went to pick up my race packet and man you talk about intimidation! First I feel like a schmuck because I am only running a 10K and these people are running a freaking marathon. Second there are Marines everywhere, I don't know why but it is a bit intimidating and it shouldn't be because my husband is a LTC in the Army so I know military life! :)

The weather looks like it will cooperate I type that while trying to cross my fingers because they are calling for a nasty day today but then again they were calling for it yesterdays too and it never came to be. Hopefully they aren't a day behind in their forecasting.

So at this point I am trying to stay clam and focused get all my stuff together, I have also threaten my husband that if he isn't at the finish line there will be you know what to pay!!!

OK I am off to Saturday Soccer! I'll report back late tomorrow. Have a great weekend!

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