Monday, July 7, 2008

Vacation or Staycation??

I took a staycation, seems to be the new en vouge thing to do now that gas prices have gone through the roof, at least so I am told

I will admit that part of me was a bit bummed that we were not going anywhere since we had a 3 day weekend; however, the other part of me was happy to have a whole weekend without anything that “had” to be done or having to be anywhere at a set time.

I realized during my staycation that I don’t get to spend a lot of time in my own home enjoying it. While watching TV Saturday night it came to me that my husband and I work uber hard to have nice things such as our house yet we really don’t take the time to enjoy it. For instance we have a 50in TV in our family room the primary users? The kids…..they use it to watch their shows in the morning and before bed and Dan and I may watch the news or some Sunday morning shows. Wrong answer I thought. I could list a few dozen examples like that in my house.

So I made a decision this weekend, I like my house and I need to spend more time enjoying it. One out of town vacation a year is enough time out of the house (that doesn’t mean we won’t have some weekend getaway's here and there) but a vacation at home can be just as relaxing and even downright productive.

Now before you scold me for staying in the house all weekend let me be clear that we did get out and do things such as, all day at the pool on the 4th, blueberry and cherry picking at a local farm on Saturday and Sunday we played in the yard and got some chores done. I can say with confidence that the best part was the berry picking; we had a picnic in the back of our sequoia rode a tractor and picked 8lbs of berries. Take a look doesn’t it look like fun?? So how was your 4th? What did you and your family do this long weekend?

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