Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tuesday Toot

So over the weekend my husband and I cleaned out the garage, I thought I had better pictures to show just how much we had done. These are OK but I don't think that truly depict the hard work. So there is my Tuesday Toot! Now go Toot your own horn!!!!

Here is my ham of a husband before we got started, He tought I was looning to take before and after pictures. Blog Baby, I told him. To whihc he rolled his eyes. Like the shirt?

These are before the cleaning began, it is important to tell you that we have a 3 car garage but only 2 were ever able to be in there at one time!

After !
I can now put 3 cars in the garage!
Things seems to be a bit more orderly then they were.

I was also able to clear out the Closet in the basement where are mud room is!!!!!

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