Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm back ...kinda

First I must send my apologies for not posted my Friday Hodge podge as well as not being very good at leaving comments at other blogs. My funk still exists but I think I am starting to deal with circumstances a bit better.

This weekend flew by, but what's new, Friday I was able to get home a little early, so I hung out with the kids and unwound with a glass of wine. Dan went to play softball so once the kids were in bed it was my time. However I didn't have much of it because I fell asleep at 9pm. Guess my body needed some rest.

Saturday I had a haircut at 9:30am then went on to Costco to do a little needed shopping, once home I put the kids in the spa (it was turned down) and hung out on the deck sunning while they played. We went to the Nationals game with an Army buddy of Dan's and his daughter. My kids had a blast and Lauren even got a ball. She didn't catch it but the usher did and gave it to her. Lucky little devil! It was a late night but a lot of fun. We were all exhausted and fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow.

Sunday I made sure I put the finishing touches on packing Lauren's stuff or her weekend with Dan's parents for the week in NY. I must say it hit me while packing that she has really grown up in the last year and it seems to have passed by in a blink.

Since Dan was driving a little over half way to meet his parents and drop off Lauren we thought it would be best to let Jackson stay with me for the day but we did give him a choice. He said he wanted to stay however when he saw his sister about to go he had a bit of a temper tantrum and now wanted to go. We said no because we really didn't think it was a great idea as it would mean 10 hours in the car. However Lauren piped up that it was not late for Jackson to change his mind because they hadn't left yet. She had a point and Jackson got to go. They didn't get home till well after 10pm. Lauren called about 9:30 sounding very sad but I am sure she will be just fine.

I was able to take a 3 hour nap, clean out my pantry and organized it, took a bath; I can't tell you the last time I did that without kids around. I was able to watch a bit of TV and then headed to bed once the boys got home!

All in all the kind of weekend I needed! Hope your weekend was fun and relaxing let me know what you were up too!

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