Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I needed a break.......

So this picture was taken the Tuesday night before we left can you tell by the look on my face that i needed a break??

I really didn't know just how much a needed a break till I took one, and I must say things can change for the better in a short period of time. First, I missed you all very much, I realized just how much all of you have become a part of my life.

Good things happened while I was away, I received the raise I had been hoping for, my daughter is now sprouting new front teeth, hubby and I had some great quality time together to talk about family and what our goals and aspirations are both as a couple and as individuals, and there were many many other things which I won't bore you with.

During my so called break I also became more aware that I tend to stress too much about life...... I know some of you are thinking "SHOCKER!!! I could have told you that" See I have this need to do everything perfect, if I commit myself to a job then I see it the whole way through, like this blog.... I committed myself to it and I have been pretty darn good up until a week ago. It hit me while I was taking a break that I don't have to be all things to all people all the time. This blog was to be an outlet for me, a place to write my thoughts and feelings and have a diary of sorts for later in life. It has been all of that and more, I have found great friendships and advice but somewhere along the way I felt I had to be the best (which I know I am far far from) and blogging was starting to lose some of it's original luster. So forgive me in the coming weeks if I don't post everyday, it isn't for lack of things to say I assure you; it is more lack of time then anything else. Also the realazation that I am never going to have the Perfect Blog!

So forgive me if I don't post comments for the posts written the past 5 or so days, I will mark all as read and start fresh today.

My break started out a bit rocky, Wednesday about 2 ours after I arrived at work I received a call from my husband saying Jackson had chicken pox or so he thought, So I rushed home took him to the Doctor who was not ready to call it chicken pox but it had all the classic symptoms yet not the full blown rash which I have been told is sometimes common when a child have been vaccinated. Sowe were told to wait and watch, we watched Jackson closely the following 24 hours and nothing more happened so he must have had some viral thing.

Thursday we headed to NY we only made it to Scranton, PA since we left after work, we spent the night in a hotel and drove the last 2 hours to NY Friday am. Lauren was so happy to see us, man I swear she changed a ton the 6 days she was gone. Her front teeth started to come in and she seems so much more grown up. We spent the morning just hanging out at Nana and Pop Pops then headed to a family friends farm to look at all the crazy animals they have llamas, lemurs, pot belly pigs, turtles, mini horses, you name it we saw it. The kids had a blast! Saturday afternoon we had a mini birthday celebration for me since my birthday is in a couple of weeks (Aug 3rd) and most of Dan's family was there on Saturday then my hubby and I headed to a Tony Bennett concert, I know it sounds crazy but it was great! We sat on the lawn at dusk and listened to old music. Afterward we caught up with some of my husbands old classmates who were in town as well. It was funny to see Dan with all his old high school buddies. Sunday we headed up to Albany to see Dan's sister for a few hours then headed further north to Brant Lake, NY to see our old au pair Abby, who is working at a summer camp up there. After visiting with her for a couple of hours we started the voyage home! We only made it as far as Harrisburg, PA before we both said it was time to pull over and resume driving the morning. Thank goodness for Hilton points! We were able to stay both nights free based on the points we have from our collective business travel. We finally returned home on Monday where we ran errands and got ready for the week.

I have a ton of pictures but I have yet to get them started so as soon as I have a moment I will post some pictures of the weekend.

I hope you all had a great weekend, and I will talk to all of you as the week progresses. Thanks for your love and warm wishes it is great to know that I have such amazingly cool blog friends, if ever any of you are in the DC area you must be sure to look me up and I will do the same!

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