Thursday, July 3, 2008

It's an awards ceremony!!!!!!

I am overdue in passing on awards that have been given to me. I do apologize!

So here goes

Wendy @ The Adventures of Mom Lady Gave me this Groovy award !

I have not been able to get in touch with Wendy recently, I think it is because someone not so nice hacked into her blogger account however I miss her and hope to see her back soon. I want to share this award with the following folks.

Stephanie (love her name!!!) @ A little bit of Sugar and a whole lotta of spice this mom is cool and the next time I come to Houston to see family I am so linking up with her. Her blog is very cool and she has an adorable little girl go check her out.

Tranny Head @ Law school sucks and so do lawyers – I must say I am addicted to her blog, it makes me laugh and makes me look at things a bit differently sometimes.

April @ Thoughts in my tumultuous brain -April is like having an old high school chum, I love to hear about her life with Big D and she is just a really sweet person.

Lilah @ Keeping up with the Poltzs- I could give her this award because she simply has an adorable son that she calls chicken which I think is so cute, but I also give this award for being a friends and some I look forward to checking up on in the blog world.

And Stephanie @ A little bit of Sugar and a whole lotta of spice hooked a girl up with this lovely award.

And there are rules that go with this award so here they are...
1. Chose 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also contribute to the blogging community.

2. Each award has to have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog.

3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name of and link to the blog that presented her/him with the award.

4. The award winner and one who has given the prize has to show the link of Arte Y Pico blog so everyone will know the origin of this award.

5. Show these rules.

OK so here are my five

Dawn@ thoughts from the broken road- I love that she is such a sports fan because I am too and it is great to go to her blog and get the sports scoop, I also think that if I were a Floridian she and I would be friends, however she may feel differently. Oh I should also mention that she will post verses to songs which is great for me because half the time I figure out I was singing the wrong words to a song!

Leah @ Laughing Leah loves Lilles- OK try saying that blog title 5 times fast! She is a sweetheart and she always has such great comments on my blog posts not to mention she has some pretty stinkin’ cute kids!

Nap Warden @ The chronicles of a SAHM – I think I secretly want to be Nap warden! Shh don’t tell her she will think I am stalking her. Really it is so cool to hear about city life and she inspires me with her posts about her running journey. So if ever I am in the city I totally have to meet her!

Michelle @ Honest and Truly Personally I don’t think her blog gets the exposure that it should. I love the way she writes and some of her comments to me are exactly what I would say if I were reading my blog! So I guess in a way I feel like we have a lot in common. So go check her out I don’t think you will be disappointed.

Krystyn- @ Really are you serious???- I stumbled upon her blog after she won a giveaway I was hosting; I have been hooked ever since.

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