Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday Hodge Podge

Hi everyone!!

So did you miss the Friday Hodge Podge? I can honestly say I did, I have a ton to talk about so please indulge me!

Big Thanks to all of you who sent kind words as I suffered my mini melt down. I can happily say I am through it and I now feel obligated to fill you in on everything that has been going on.

As you know I had a mammogram done for the first time earlier this month, I will admit I was a bit nervous about having my boob (a large C small D) smashed in vice gripes for some random stranger to see, but I did it and it wasn’t all that bad, piece of cake actually. I walked away from the exam happy that I was being proactive with my health and fully expected nothing to come of the exam. That happiness with my actions was shattered early last week. I received a call informing me that I needed to come back and undergo a comprehensive mammogram due to some abnormalities found in my right breast. That call is one I hope none of you ever receive. It was of course unexpected not to mention handled poor by the healthcare professional who took my normal mid morning work routine and turned it upside down while also leaving me feeling as though I would throw up at any given moment. I panicked, I wasn’t sure who to call what to do I sat at my desk frozen. This was my first ever mammogram and it had come back with questions that needed to be answered. My husband was a rock, he got me an appointment to see “the best” radiologist for my comprehensive screening which was yesterday afternoon. I am happy to tell you that all is fine; I nearly crushed the girl who came to give me my results.

So while I did have all the things going on that I bloged about, I also had this looming over my head. I have weathered the storm and I am still happy that I deceived to have the mammogram done even if it provided me one hell of a scare. So to those of you out there that haven’t gone, please go, if there is something there catch it early. If you get a false positive, it’s ok, better then not being tested at all.

Now on to other topics.

BlogHer- I say this with all the love I can, you biotches look like you had a great time and I am bummed that I was not a part of it. Maybe I will pull myself out of my social cocoon and come next year. However there is something really intimidating to me about being in a room full of people who I know are far better bloggers than I will ever be.

Birthdays- My mom is going to be 65 next Tuesday, part of me can’t believe that she will be 65 because she really doesn’t look it, not to mention that it just sounds weird to say my mom is 65, that means social security and Medicare she isn’t really old enough for those things in my eyes. Yet she is, because I her only child will be 36 just 5 short days after she turns 65. I have never really dwelled on age, that’s a lie I had a pity party for myself when I turned 30 because no one made a huge deal about it and there I was with my 5 month old first born thinking this sucks (turning 30 that is) , I was a bit of a diva about that birthday. Yet other then turning 30, age has never really bothered me, but for some reason this year it is paramount in my mind. 36…. How the hell did I become 36!!!!

Chicken pox update- all seems to be good at the house on the chicken pox front, I think we dodged a huge bullet on that score. I remember when I was a kid I got them all over and it seemed all I did was sit in oatmeal bath’s. Luckily this was mild to say the least and Lauren never showed a spot. She has been exposed now twice and nothing so I think we are out of the woods.

House projects- I have 2 projects that I want to get done this weekend. Tonight while the hubby and the boys play poker at my house I will dig into my bedroom closet to give it a good cleaning. The second project will be the garage, which I have a feeling I will be doing alone if poker ends up being a late night, nonetheless it will be getting done. I will be sure to post before and after pictures.

Awards- You guys Rock! I have received 3 awards in the last week, what have I done to deserve those??? I will post about those early next week.

That’s in on The Daily Grind front; I hope you all have a great weekend. Don’t forget you can still ask me personal questions that I will answer in my weekly Hodge Podge blog.

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