Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Whew what a day!!!!!

First thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers! Lauren came through with flying colors although there were some stressful moments for both of us.

Lauren woke up after I left with little man around 8am, she hung out with Daddy who listened to her say “I’m hungry” (with all the whine she could muster) for about 30 minutes. When I walked in the door from dropping off her brother I was greeted with “I’m hungry Momma!” We watched TV till Dan walked in with coffee in one hand and a doughnut in the other. Lauren saw this and said, “Hey what is that Daddy?” I glared my “are you a complete freaking moron” look and Dan retreated to the other room. I tried to distract her by playing a game or two of Uno; then I said why don’t we make something for the nurses who are going to take care of you today. “Sure” she chimed. So we made some really cool necklaces 5 in total, by the time we were done with that it was time to go.

Once at the surgery center all went as smooth as could be we checked in, were taken back to our room then we got dressed in a hospital gown for Lauren and a chemical hazard suit for me, I was allowed to go to the operating room with her so I had to suit up. Personally a nice pair of scrubs would have been nice instead of the hazard suit, but hey they didn’t ask me. . So there we were; we talked with the nurse Lauren gave her a gift then the nurse gave her one! A really cute stuffed piggy! More nurses more gifts, then the Dr. whom my husband hijacked before he even talked to Lauren so he could get his diagnosis, Came by. He confirmed a full-blown sinus infection and gave Dan an Rx for antibiotics. The Dr. then comes to see Lauren and she gives him a necklace and he proudly puts it on. We are whisked back to the OR and all goes well of course I cry as they put her to sleep but all is well. At this point Dan has taken the Rx’s to the Pharmacy to get filled. I am in the waiting room for about 20 minutes when the Dr. comes out says all is fine, blah blah blah. Within 5 minutes they call me to come back and see her. She is a wreck!!!! Crying trying to get off the bed begging to go home crying for Daddy, all the while still very sleepy and not fully awake. This goes on for like 15 minutes. I am trying my best to hold her and soothe her but nothing is working, finally Dan walks in and Lauren starts screaming to him “I want to go home, I want to go home”. In total it was 30 minutes of non-stop screaming shear hell when you can’t calm your child if you ask me.. We finally were able to settle her down with a sedative, which broke my heart but it helped her come out of the anesthesia better. We finally head home where little miss takes a cat nap then wakes up asking for a sandwich, not one but two! After a couple of hours I decide to leave her with Dad since they seem to be fine just laying in bed and I run some errands and pick up the boy.

I arrive home in time to make dinner, and tell Dan to go to bed because he looks like crap. I finish dinner with the kid’s bathe them then read books and bed. I wrapped that up about 20 minutes ago and her I sit…. spent and sipping my wine.
I know I should read some blogs but I just don’t have the energy, so I hope everyone understands. I will be back in fighting form tomorrow. Thanks again for all your well wishes, it is great to have found this sisterhood of mothers to support and comfort me.

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