Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ten on Tuesday....nope!

Sorry no Ten on Tuesday today; I have writers block:)

The weekend was great but it went way to fast and I feel as though I over booked myself. You tell me if you think I did.

Friday after work I had book club starting at 7:30 which lasted till 11:45pm We picked our new book called Nineteen Minutes don't know much about it, but I think it will be good.

Saturday was haircuts day then off to see Magin and baby Allie; as you can see Lauren was very excited to hold her.
Saturday at 6pm hubby and I went out to dinner and returned at 10pm exhausted.

Sunday woke up early do to my nervous energy so I ran 3 miles and got my weight work out in, then packed a lunch for the boys who were going flying in a Cessna (the source of my nervous energy)

Once they took off at 10am, Lauren and I baked our booty's off take a look. The cake was for a picnic the next day, the cookies were for the kids and the neighbors and the Monkey bread was for us. That stuff is addictive.
Then off to see my mom for a couple of hours; on the way home I stopped by the grocery store to pick up some stuff to make a salad for our neighborhood dinner. Dinner started at 5:30 and wrapped up around 11pm. Actually dinner wrapped up about 7 but the drinks continued till 11pm :)

Monday we got up and laid around till about 10:30 then headed to a friends BBQ about an hour away and spent all day there, we didn't get home till 9:30pm the kids were beat and so were we. But they had a good time don't you think?

So that was my weekend! How was yours????

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