Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I am off and running

Ok for those of you that know me I usually only post once a day so all of these other posts in the last 24 hours are pretty much nervous energy because today is Lauren Ear surgery.

We were able to keep her up till 11pm last night and she is still sleeping peacefully as I type. Her surgery is not till 11am and since she couldn't eat or drink after midnight we thought it best to let her stay up late and get her fill of food till then. Lauren is a total food person and it will be tough to not let her eat or drink when she wakes up.

Also my poor husband has a full blow sinus infection and is miserable. So my grand plan is to kill 2 birds with one stone today when I see the doc before the surgery I am going to ask him if he can take a look at hubby instead of him going to the office tonight at 6pm. Seems logical right? I'll let you know if he has the same logical way of thinking or not.

I am off to take the little man to daycare then back to rally the rest of the troops, today is going to be a long day I can feel it.

Happy Tuesday don't forget to go check out my giveaway!

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