Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

The day stared with me being able to sleep till 8 am ...normally unheard of in my house. At 8 am the tribe marched into our room with breakfast and bearing gifts. Imagine my surprise when they were each carrying a dozen roses! Breakfast was served to me in bed which consisted of Lauren's special blueberry pancakes and a blueberry muffin along with a big cup of coffee. Then it was on to the presents; they presented me with a bag that had new PJ's in it as well as a huge bag of M&M's. We all hung out in bed for about an hour watching TV before getting up and getting dressed.

We left for the Nationals baseball game at 11:30 in the hope that we would be able to beat the rain. We were successful in our endeavors and we were able to see the game till the 7th inning when the rain and the cold just became too much. I could not have asked for a better mothers day!

Below is a slides how from the day as well as the homemade presents the kids came home with on Friday! I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day and I am can't wait to read your stories.

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