Friday, May 9, 2008

Friday Hodge Podge

Ok it is Friday Hodge Podge time!

Well my little darling continues to get up on her own and get dressed without assistance, I am loving it, but I fear that the weekend will throw her off for next week. We shall see.

Thanks for all of you for your comments on my What the F$ck post. I have decided to go about my mother’s day my way and be done with it. I did send flowers but I am not sure if I will place the phone call because my fear is that words might be said and I don't want that to ruin my mother’s day.

Saturday is National Train day so we are headed to Union Station to check out the trains and the free concert being given by Sara Bareilles Sunday we are going to the baseball game but it looks like rain at least it won't be cold and a little rain never killed anyone.

Lauren's ear tube surgery is set for Tuesday at 11:30 am I am not happy with the time since she can't have any food or drink after midnight and she is a big breakfast eater. Tuesday morning will be a bear with her till we get to the hospital. At least then there will be some distractions from food. I hate taking my kids in for surgery I have done it 5 times and this will be my 6th and it is never easy. I always go to the operating room with her and leave once she drifts off to sleep. It will not be a long surgery but it is surgery none the less. Please keep us in your thoughts.

WORK has been kicking my ass! However I am so very excited about what we are doing and by this time next year I will have a full product portfolio to offer in the marketplace. Building something from the ground floor is tough but my guess is that the dividends are going to be HUGE; at least that is what I am shooting for.

Lastly I am not one to discuss politics with people other then my really close friends or my family. However I felt the need to vent a bit. First this presidential political campaign has been going on for what seems like forever and unfortunately we have not seen the worst of if yet. I have not decided on one candidate as a matter of fact I am having trouble with that based on the choices that are being put before me. I can't help but wonder is this the best we have to offer? And if so what does it say about us? Random thoughts yes but I think a lot of us are having random thoughts about this election.

Have a great weekend! Happy Mothers day to all of you. I look forward to hearing about your special day on Monday!

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