Monday, May 19, 2008

Weekend update

Ok, what a weekend!!!!!

I will start from the beginning, be forewarned this may be a long post. So Friday my MIL and I head to the swanky spa for some pampering, I had a facial, hair cut and updo. She had a facial, manicure and pedicure. I was given complimentary make up application so of course I took it. I was all dressed and ready to attend my companies share holder meeting that was being held in 2 hours. I asked the young lady if she would like me to take off my suit jacket, no she replied you can leave it on. She applies my make up and we head out the door to meet the boys (my husband and my FIL) for a quick bite to eat. My husband greets me with a big smile, kisses me then says "uh Honey" "What" I reply, "well you seem to have something on your jacket", I look and there on my lapel is a huge make up stain! I have to be at my meeting in an hour and a half. I am pissed, quick thinking hubby says let's go shopping. We were across the street from a huge mall; I thought there is no way I will pull this off but ok. As we drive across the street I remember that the suit I have on which is brand new and now ruined was bought at Macy's, they have a Macy's in the mall; maybe I can buy the same suit there. We rush in, I find the exact suit. I take off the suit jacket I am wearing try on the new one, perfect fit. I tell the lady I will take it and whip out my Macy's card hand it to my husband as I grab the skirt to go change. The salesperson asks if we want to exchange. "Excuse me exchange?" I say I have a huge makeup stain on here, she replies its OK I will exchange it for you. Holy Crap I think what luck!! She rings it up, I put on my new suit, I take her name and off to the meeting I go. Pretty amazing huh???

So at the meeting, I sit through all the speeches and the business talk, I talk with all the muckity mucks, say my hellos and goodbyes and head off to meet my husband for his Black Tie affair. I get home in time to change my clothes, touch up my make up, kiss the kids, and leave phone numbers for my in laws. All that in less then a half an hour, even I am impressed. But wait then it was picture time. My FIL is known for having to have a picture for EVERY event, and not just one picture, several. So we took photos in the dinning room on the deck with the kids, I felt like I was heading out to prom!!!! Below are the photos! I think we look pretty darn good if you ask me. We had a great time!

Saturday morning was a bit foggy for me, seems that I really enjoyed my Vodka Martini and the countless glasses of red wine I had. I finally pulled myself together by 10 am and I headed to the park with the kids to let them burn some energy and let my in laws have a break, at 12 noon we decided to go to a minor league baseball game. Dan mentioned it the day before and I said fine but asked him to please double check that he had the right months date, times etc. He is known for making those types of mistakes. So off we go to battle Saturday traffic, we stop for lunch before headed to the stadium, as we are pulling into the stadium lot I say to myself wow there aren't many cars here. As we crest the hill of the parking lot it is painfully clear that there is no game. I turn to Dan and ask if he checked the date, the answer on his face said it all. So we turn the car around and head home. Once home I go up to our room with my son turn on The Cat in the Hat movie and proceed to fall asleep for 3 hours!!!!! That was some good sleep!!!!

Sunday we had breakfast and then the in laws said their goodbyes and were off, we then took the tribe out to do all our normal weekend errands. Before knew it, it was 5:30 and time to get ready for the week ahead. Where did the weekend go??? :( LOL

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