Friday, December 12, 2008

Some time for me

So yesterday I had things to do, a doctors appointment, Jackson's school Christmas play and ...... a trip to the spa!!!!! I have been collecting gif certificates all year and finally I took some time for myself to use them. I booked an 80 minute massage (deep tissue) and a 50 min facial. The facial was divine, however the massage was in a word Painful!!!! Yes painful, while it was happening I it felt ok, not horrible however by the time I woke up this morning I was so so sore. My back and neck are sore to the touch. If I didn't know better I would think I had bruises all over. I am going to assume that it is because I had a deep tissue massage because I would hate to think that I spent all those gift certificates for a terrible massage.

Sunday I am running in my final race of the year. It is my hope to beat my time of 1:06, the weather will hopefully cooperate as it doesn't look like it is going to rain and the temp is going to be about 45.

Have a great weekend and see you next week.

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