Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Leapin' Lizards!!!!

Ok so for you long time readers you know I had an au pair several years back. At the time it seemed like a great idea, the cost was equal to what I was paying in daycare and the thought of having a young lady from another country who could become an extended part of our family seemed intriguing, plus there was, what I thought at, the time bonus factor of having someone who lives there. Our first Au pair Ok, it was our first time and we learned a bit with her. Our second one not great we had to send her packing after 2 weeks because she was totally unable to drive. Our third a total mooch who cared more about partying like and American girl and finding a sugar daddy then about my kids. We sent her packing after 5 months. It was ugly, we basically got tot he point we couldn't trust her and we needed to strike fast. We informed her (we did talk with the program counselor first) that we were going to rematch (let her go) and explained that the events of the prior weekend were the final straw.

So that was Sept 2008, we have not heard from her once since then. No I'm sorry for the way I acted, or thanks for all you did for me (digital camera, trips with us etc.) and no communication with the kids. This bothered me the most because I couldn't understand how you could spend 5 months with these kids and not want to check in to see how they are doing.

So fast forward to last night, (yeah you know what's coming but keep reading anyway!!!) I pull in the driveway, I notice there is a strange car with NC plates across the street from my house, ehh the neighbors must have friends over I thought to myself. I walk in the garage door, head up the stairs and I hear voices, Hmm one of the neighbors must be over I think. I turn the corner and there she was! Fernanda the au pair we sent packing 15 months ago has returned from Brazil and she is not alone her sister who is an au pair now in NC is with her. She reaches out smiling to give me a hug, I am in shock I am sure my face looked like this!
My husband then hands me a drink which I thought was diet coke, no that would be rum and coke!!!!...I knew I loved this man. Dan ushers us into the family room, where we have chit chat, I am sure my mouth is still hanging wide open. She is here in my house acting as though all is fine like she left under wonderful terms (trust me it was bad).

The kids really weren't sure who she was and they are nice enough to her but not like they were with Abby when she came to visit in Oct. We wrapped up our visit and she says to me I am sorry for the way things ended, I have missed not hearing from you or the children. I will say I felt for her, however living with her for 5 months I knew something was up. She kept looking at me like she wanted to say more but I think she could tell I wasn't buying it. As she walked out the door she said she hoped to be back to visit soon because she now has a 5 year visa.

I have a number of theory's as to why she appeared but I will take the high road (until proven wrong) and say she came by in the spirit of Christmas and was genuine in her apology.
here is a picture of all of us as well as one with her and the kids.

BTW even while typing this I am still stunned that she showed up totally unannounced, from Brazil no less!

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