Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Wrap up...and a giveaway!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, I know we did. The kids are still on their Christmas high and I have finally relaxed to the point that I have slept in till 8 am almost every day since I have been off. Although that is going to come back and bite me when it is time to go back to work January 5th!

Here are a few pictures form our Holiday some are of my mom with the kids. Mom came over for Christmas Eve. Then on Christmas Day we opened presents and hung out in our PJ's all day as a family finally about 4pm we got ready for Christmas dinner at our dear friends house.

Brother Sister Love

Lauren and her favortite gift, notice who she is singing to

Dinner with the Andahazy's

Dinner at my house with my mom

My mom and the kids

All in all a great holiday! So how was yours??

Giveaway Announcement!!!
I will host a giveaway this week!!!! I have 2 Playstation Portable games to give away, so if your children have a PSP check back soon!

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