Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Monday December 8th!

So the weekend went by in a blur what else is new? I had the best run I have ever had and it’s odd because it was biting cold 22 degrees outside with a wicked wind, guess I was running fast because I was cold! But I did 5 miles in 51:14 that is 10:15 a mile not to bad. Hopefully I can do that on Sunday when I race in my final race of the season the Jingle Bell 10K in Washington DC.

Saturday we took the kids to Jackson’s preschool to have Breakfast with Santa what a huge hit and it got me out of having to fight the families at the mall to see the man in red. So of course since their Santa sighting they are on the Christmas countdown every time they see something on TV they want they say I am going to put that on my list! My thought is it’s too late because you saw Santa already! But I keep that thought to myself; go ahead say it I’m an evil mom!

Saturday night brought snow to our house nothing major just a wee dusting but it was pretty to look at and even more fun watching the snow fall while sipping a glass of wine in the hot tub!

The hubby is now walking thank goodness!!!!! I was afraid if another week went by I was going to lose my mind. He has been a huge help, folding laundry and cooking dinner. I am the luckiest woman in the world to have him as my partner in life!

Thanks for all the kind comments on our Christmas decorations, I am looking forward to seeing everybody’s soon.

Up coming topics this week:
I am sorry what did you say?
I need a wife or a secretary!
I’m a narcissist, help me!

So I still have not gotten caught up on the blogs I missed over Thanksgiving and sadly my reader reads some absurd number like 452, I am trying to get through them all but I am think I am fighting a losing battle. So even if I don’t comment I really am still reading trust me!

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