Thursday, December 4, 2008

Are you ready for Christmas?

I think I am but inevitably every year I end up running around at the last minute looking for gifts for those that I have forgotten. This year I bought a lot online as well as shopped throughout the year. So now my guest bedroom looks like a warehouse with all the boxes and piles I have everywhere.

When we arrived home Friday from NY I was like a woman possessed and I stay up till all the trees and all of the house decorations were done...OK I didn’t do the outside lights since it was so late and it was still technically November :)

I must say that when I came downstairs Saturday morning it was rather heart warming to see all the decorations up it put me in the Christmas mood. So here is a little taste of what my house looks like over the holidays. (i couldn't get the picture of the kids tree) What about yours? Care to share some photos? I would love to see all the different types of decorations used by people. So here’s your homework go write a post about your Christmas Decorations. Go on get going!

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