Friday, September 26, 2008

What's up with retail stores pushing the season????

OK so the other day I am at Kohl's returning some stuff and I realize I am alone and I have a few precious moments to myself to shop ALONE, which is ultimate mom time for me. So I am strolling along founds some cute pants and a top then I stumble upon the picture frame and seasonal sections. I look up and straight ahead I see the Christmas section!!! Trees, ornaments Christmas cards, the whole nine yards, it is flipping September people!!! Of course this threw me into a high hover because I now have it in my mind that Christmas is just around the corner and I have nothing done. I am anal and I am a planner and so thanks to Kohl's I am now making freaking Christmas lists in September!

The kicker to this was that there was a Halloween display in the center aisle which only had about 2 shelves, I am a huge Halloween fan and to see only 2 shelves dedicated to one of my fav holiday's was quite the bummer too!

What's next are people going to set up Christmas tree stands in August! I hate that retail has done this to Christmas as I have always thought it is not about the gifts but instead the family and cheer!
Ba humbug

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