Monday, September 8, 2008

Still stewing over WTF friday post and First day of Preschool

Ok so I stewed all weekend about my Friday post, silly I know but that stuff gets to me. I hate the feeling of someone being mad at me or worse knowing that I have done something wrong. So I marched into my boss's off this morning while he was in the middle of telling one of my peers that he had to put me in my place, yes I walked up to his office and heard him. I apologized again and told him that his email really upset me because not only was I in the room when I was asked to make the meeting/email request so was another one of his direct reports. He acquiesced a bit... but not much. I feel like I am back in high school, which by the way I hated because I felt so insecure. Why would you tell one of my peers what you said to me in an email??? These people, all of them, are 50 plus years old to my baby (as I am reminded) age of 36 and I think I have more maturity over the whole thing then they do. Ok I have ranted enough, I think.....

So this weekend we had Hanna come to town she was welcome for about the first 3 hours, nothing like a good morning rain to keep you in bed a little longer, then I was over her. I tried to beat her, taking the kids to an indoor pool since the outdoor one was closed, going to dinner anything to not stay inside all day watching the rain fall. We had over 6 inches of rain here, can you say rain rain go away??

Sunday was my long run day to prepare for my 10 K in Oct, I did ok but man my legs hurt yesterday and today! The rest of the day was spent cooking up the fresh veggies hubby brought home from a farmers market, yum I love a fresh pot of green beans with potatoes.

Today was the Little Man's first day of Preschool, granted he was in daycare before but this seemed much different and he won't be there all day like daycare. We took the traditional first day of school shot, he was such a ham. I can't wait to hear all about his day.

Well, I need to get back to work I have goofed off quite enough I guess. I still have a Sh*t ton of blogs to catch up on so don't think I am ignoring any of you!

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