Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My favorite things swap...look what I got!!!!

My Swap partner was Steph! How cool, two Steph's swapping fav things! She sent me the sweetest email saying she was late and apologizing profusly, no worries I was so overwhlemed if she hadn't told me she was late I would have never known!

But look at the stuff she hooked me up with!!!!! I LOVE M&M's, the neo to go was very useful this weekend :) , Memo pad cause I always need paper to make lists on, smelly stuff for my bathroom, Pickled dressing which I can't wait to try, Jelly Belly's Yum, Lip gloss so I have kissable lips (my hubby thanks you) Halloween socks so cute, and a rocking CD that I have played 3 times already!

Is this cool or what?? Steph thanks for the goodies, I love them!
Wendi you rock thanks for hosting this I can't wait to do it again!

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