Monday, September 15, 2008

Me a soccer mom .......NOT!!!!!

Ok well the weekend got off to a splendid start why might you ask? well because I was able to carveour some precious girl time with my best friends Magin and have a little post birthday dinner! Between us we have 4 kids ranging in age from 6 to almost 4 months so it isn't always easy getting together. Thanks for Dinner Magin it was yummy and it was so great to spend some in person girl time with you! Mwah!

So the rest of the weekend HOT... I know some of you are saying "Well it is September Steph!" yeah you're right but normally here in DC that means we start to see the chilling sign of fall not the heat and humididty of mid July! Saturday I officially became a Soccer mom (please no Palin comments here :) )yes my 2 rug rats stated soccer for there we were at 9 am for Jackson's game and then at 11am for Lauren's. 3 hours on the field. It was clear I was a first time soccer mom why might you ask? Well I ran our of bottle water mid way through Lauren's game, the kids did not have cleats instead they had sneakers, no sunscreen and the worst no memory card in the &*^% camera when I went to snap those precious 1st soccer photos. Needless to say a stellar soccer mom I am not but Ia m working on it. Next weekend should be comical because I am away on business the kids both have picture and games and they are at different fields. Good Luck hubby, I'll be thinking of you!!! So check out miss thing in her uniform!
Then here they are hours later... if they soccer thing doesn't work out for them may be they have a shot at the rodeo!
*** See anything new on my page? Look over to your right, see that new button? Well Revka at RS Designs created that for me, isn't it cool? Feel free to take it and place it on your blog. I am going to start a page where I collect all the buttons of the blogs I stalk love!

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