Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First day of school, Check!

Well, I am happy to report the first day of school was a success! Although it was like pulling teeth at the dinner table last night trying to get answers about how the day was, if she had made friends etc.

My main concern was the Spanish portion of her day. We were lucky enough to be selected to participate in a Spanish language immersion class where half of the day is totally taught in Spanish. the program starts in Kindergarten but we were not accepted so most if not all of these children have a years head start. However in speaking with the administration and parents of children who entered at the same time Lauren has they all say not to worry and clearly I shouldn't since she didn't seem to be phased at all!

So now I am ready for round 2 of first days, my son Jackson will have his preschool orientation on Friday and then Monday will be his first day. He will attend preschool 5 days a week 3 hours a day.

Wow two kids school everyone said it would go by quick and it is!

So how were your first days? I know some of you have been in school for weeks!

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