Monday, November 24, 2008

Tomorrow I will give thanks today I will gripe!!!!!

OK I know it's the week of Thanksgiving but before I give thanks I need to gripe just a bit then I will be able to be Thankful!

Gripe #1- to the women on the 13th floor of my office, I understand the need to squat really I get it, but if you feel so inclined to squat vs. using the toilet seat cover that is provided please *^$*(^$* wipe the seat after you go. Unlike our male counterparts our pee aiming ability is not as precise in the squat position.

Gripe #2 to the driver of the Mazda Protege that I see a about once a week on my 36 mile drive into work go to Verizon, ATT or whoever you have your phone with and buy a blue tooth because clearly you are unable to drive with your head half cocked holding the phone while talking and driving, better yet since I have seen your driving just put the freaking phone down.

Gripe #3 Kids mommy loves you more then anything in this world but if I find one more piece of food in your rooms that looks like I should have the hazmat team come in I will be forced to start doing things I don't want to do (mommy speak for I will do something I just don't know what yet) So quit coming downstairs for a mid night snack or at the very least leave it in plain view for me to pick it up!

Gripe #4 2 more weeks of hubby non weight bearing and on crutches .... enough said

Gripe #5 When the bathroom door is locked that is not the time to pick a fight with your sibling because unless I hear I am going to kill you I am not exiting the bathroom till I take care of my business.

Gripe #6 To the Office Jerk, I know you are trying to be funny but your humor is lost on me and others because it is not funny and putting it in " " doesn't make it any funnier actually it is just plain damn annoying.

Gripe #7 mom please please stop asking me if I think going to NY for Thanksgiving is a good idea since:
1) Dan is on crutches and can't drive a lick
2) it could snow on my drive up there
3) I will miss black Friday sales
4) There will be a house full of people
5) I will miss my traditional tree putting up day (day after thanksgiving) because I will be with "them"
I get that you don't want me to go but the decision has been made and I am going so stop bugging me!!!

So I think I have it all out of my system I am sure something will come to me as continue to go about my day! If you have gripes feel free to leave as comments LOL :)

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