Monday, November 17, 2008

Drat! I've been busted!!

So I usually come into work and write my posts first thing in the morning then polish them up and post them. I of course don't do this to the detriment of my work as that is what they pay me to do. So yesterday I write my post about the race then go to google pictures to get the pictures I am going to post and I get an error message that I have been blocked because my administrator doesn't allow this site, some garble about personal storage blah blah blah. Oh well I guess I just need to plan all picture posts at home now. Of course now I am curious what others sites we are blocking now.

On the same busted note, my husband stumbled onto my blog a week or so ago, he knew that I blogged as I tell him all the funny and not so funny stories you tell me. So he announces that he has seen my blog and that he thinks I am a good writer, he goes on to say that he thinks my stories are put together well and he could see why people would be interested and would come back on a regular basis to see what I have written. I was shocked!! I think this man is ubber intelligent and for him to say to me I think your blog is good and better yet your writing is good, blew me away.

So what have you been busted for lately??

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