Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Humpty dumpty is being put back together....

OK admit it the title made you smile! I'm sure my hubby would not like to be referred to as Humpty Dumpty but the title is fitting since it seems like we are putting him back together after 20 years of the Army beating him up. Since Dan is getting out of the military we are focusing on getting all his aliments fixed, one of them is his ankle. I don't claim to know all the technical stuff that he is having done to his ankle today lets just say it sounds like rooter router for the ankle. He will be on crutches for the next week 4 weeks then a walking boot for the next 3. So can you guess who will be making the 6 hour drive to NY next week! :)

So while he has his feet up I will have my hands full! Please forgive me for not commenting on blogs for the next few days but do know that I am m reading them. Without my daily reading of blogs I think I might just loose my mind. I will post an update later in the week, thanks for all your thoughts love and prayers!

Please give me some ideas for movies as Humpty Dumpty is going to be watching a lot of them in the coming weeks I am afraid!

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