Monday, November 10, 2008

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

I have closure on Thanksgiving plans, however the way I got there is just downright strange.

As I have told you my mom and I had a huge knock down drag out verbal brawl a week ago tomorrow. I did not call her all week because I didn't want to get into the same argument again with her. So on Thursday I emailed her with some Black Friday Ad links that she had asked for the previous weekend, I heard nothing from her. Keep in mind this is a woman I normally talk to every other day so on Friday at 4pm I was leaving the office and I emailed her saying I assume you don't want to have dinner with us tomorrow since I haven't heard from you all week, please let me know. Well, within 40 minutes I had an email asking what time to be at my house. I quickly emailed back on my blackberry "come to my house at 6pm."

So Saturday I get the boys off to Philly bright and early and Lauren and I start our weekend by running some errands all the while I am thinking "is my mom going to come over and pick another fight with me, this time with my kid there?" Why did she not mention anything in her email about Thanksgiving and basically act like everything was normal?"

My mom arrives at 5:45 (she is never late and always early) She says "there is something in the car for you, can you please go get it." Baffled I go down to her car and there is a small refrigerator for my workout room in her back seat. She says Merry Christmas! Now I am totally perplexed, I tell her she shouldn't have and proceed to bring the fridge inside at her request. We head out for dinner, we have a nice dinner and conversation, keep in mind I am waiting for all hell to break loose. Nothing..... we get back to the house she gathers her things and then says thanks for the black Friday ads, I say sure and add that I'm not impressed with what I have seen so far in teh way of ads, she says "well what should it matter since you won't be here anyway." Without losing a beat I say "yes, you're right but I can always go online in NY if there is something I really must have." With that she kisses Lauren good-bye says her good-byes to me and heads out.

Strange.... Strange.... Strange.... this is the same woman who was being venomous and saying things like I hope you enjoy your big Thanksgiving while I am here alone, and what kind of child leaves their only parent alone on the holidays. I just don't get it.

I will say that Friday after receiving some advice from a blog reader (Kristen's mom at Loving Our Simple Life) I decided that I was going to NY regardless of what my mom said or did because it was the right thing to do for my family and it was what I wanted. So Gail thank you so very much for your kind wise words you helped me to feel at ease with my decision.

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